GEK is a late-night radio show kicking off at 20.00hrs to 00.00hrs. The show is relaxed, soothing and laid back in terms of music and talk. Music is from all genres taking care of the heterogeneity of the nightl istenership. This ranges from popular rhumba, popular bongo country, gospel sing-alongs. Choice of music is done quite carefully, much attention being paid to lyrics with a view notto air any offensive, vulgar or obscene stuff. There is a careful balance between time allocated for music and talk, with music taking the lion’s share considering the mood of a tired night listenership after a long day.
Every Friday, it’s a marriage and relationships counselling session dubbed RahaKaraha, meaning happiness or the lack of it. It is hosted by Mwanahamisi Hamadi and Mkalla wa Mwambodze. The show discusses matters to do with love and romance in marriages relationships, and other matters generally pertaining to relationships. The moderating duo hosts a panel of life counsellors, the discussion formally kicking off at 21:30hrs.
RahaKaraha can get steamy with the panelists discussing intimate matters with no holds barred. The moderating duo hosts a panel of life counsellors, the discussion formally kicking off at 21:30hrs. RahaKaraha can get steamy with the panelists discussing intimate matters with no holds barred.