Bukha Bushiere


This is the breakfast show that is majorly on current affairs and it is the show that sets the agenda for the Mulembe Nation.
The main objective is to communicate and mobilize our audience on development activities they need to engage in for their own benefit with minimum focus on political issues.

Atse: 6:45-6:50am
The segment highlights on bad manners exhibited by people in the community. The presenter tabled a bad habit and listeners call in to discuss about it and urge people to stop.

Eshikhalo (Kikao) 7:30am-9:00am.
This is an analysis of current issues in areas that affect our audience. This brings together journalists from Vuuka and Mulembe FM who discuss and analyze happens that affect the community and airs on Mulembe FM and Vuuka FM

Mununjiro(In the Pot) 7:30am- 8:30am
This is a talkshow that addresses socio-economic and political issues in the country, from Tuesday to Friday . The audince is also given time to weign in on issues under discussion. Politicians, experts and opinion leaders are hosted in the show.

Monday to Friday
Obulamu 7:30am
This is a pre-recorded health feature where the presenter interviews different health practitioners to educate the audience on different diseases.

Welikuru( at the village elder’s square)
This is a segment where the presenter tables a problem from a listner and the audience offers their thought.