

Tinyirira means work hard.
This is the mid-morning show which empowers the Mulembe nation, with knowledge in farming and business.
The 3 hour show is informative, educative with music from all Luhya dialects. Encourages the target audience to work smart. The show tackles issues facing workers, farmers, women and trending topics. Experts are invited to educate farmers and business people on the new technologies available in the market that will help them achieve their goals.
Tinyirira engages audience through texts, calls and social media platforms on issues affecting them. The presenters then follow up for solutions.

Akobulimi(Farming tips)- Pre- recorded 5 min feature on
Agribusiness. Listeners are advised by experts on the best
Farming methods. There are success stories by lead
Famers, trainers and explainers.
It airs 1030am,430pm and 820pm

Obuteshi (cookery)
The segment focuses on nutrition, food preparation, food storage and balancing diet without forgetting kitchen equipment.
The segment runs Monday to Friday from 1220- 12:25pm.